Architectural Services

How to give bricks and mortar personality?

How to make the pitch of a roof, the shape of a window, interior light or exterior space say something about who you are and what you’re like? Because you’re not Any Old Business, we will never design for you Any Old Building. Whether you’re a restaurant, bar, large store, commercial corporate, or residential space (and we’ve worked on all of those, and more) we’ll deliver a project which represents the you we work hard to know and understand. Different sectors, countless businesses, a kaleidoscope of needs, criteria, demands and ambitions: we work with all kinds on all scales. Variety is what we relish and what fires our passion, and our track record reflects this.

Absolute: Architectural Services across Cornwall

We’re based in Truro, right at the heart of Cornwall. This county’s part of who we are and how we work; we think it’s amazing, so how could it not be? We work with many businesses from here, and from the rest of the country too. Throughout Cornwall, as well as further afield, buildings we’ve delivered stand as evidence of our commitment to the individuality of our clients and to inspirational architectural design.

To see some of our work for yourself, check out our website’s project page.


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